Jul 22, 2020 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
Defining a Virtual Race event. Most Virtual Races are single events that involve individual runners, at various locations, participating at the same time on the same date. The main idea is that an event can still be held, and runners can race wherever they are and...
Jul 16, 2020 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
Unplanned Circumstances Have You Canceling Your Event? Make Going Virtual Your Contingency Plan. If you have planned a running event whose attendance has been affected by unforeseen events and you are looking for options that can help keep your event alive and your...
Jul 6, 2020 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Volunteers, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends
A great way to attract runners to your race, is to offer elements of fundraising for charitable causes. This is because most runners are looking for races that align with the longing for doing good deeds in their communities. Many running events are already doing this...
Jun 6, 2020 | All Posts, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Volunteers, Running Event Community
I’ve been working for free for all my life it seems. Mucking out an elderly neighbor’s horse stalls as a kid, cutting reams of construction paper and felt for my children’s school, planning auctions for non-profits and much more. So far, the most...
May 29, 2020 | Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Running Event Community
There may be times when Race directors have an abundance of race medals on their hands and they are not sure what do to with them. We’ve investigated this situation for our customers and, luckily, there are some forward-thinking and altruistic organizations out...
May 29, 2020 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Running Apparel, Running Event Community
Race directors – do you know the benefits of using an email marketing service? We hear from race directors all the time who want to learn more about marketing strategies to help keep their race participants coming back each year. According to this RunningUSA Race...