Jun 14, 2021 | All Posts, Event Branding, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Race Planning, Running Apparel, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
Every runner has a favorite Race Medal (or two or three!). We’ve all seen the medal collections runners have on display in their homes or office, or in photos shared across social media. These hard-earned awards are reminders of a runner’s accomplishments...
Apr 28, 2021 | All Posts, Race Director Tips & Tools, Running Apparel, Running Clubs, Running Event Community
Do you have questions about race shirt ordering? Are you unsure of how many participants you’ll have at the end of sign up, or how many will be women or men, and what number of each size you will need? You are not alone. We hear from race directors every day,...
Apr 7, 2021 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Running Apparel, Running Clubs, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
There’s talk all through running related social media…the days of entering and running at in-person races has returned. These days may not look quite the same as pre-COVID race days, but it’s exciting nonetheless and runners are ready to go. Are race...
Jan 29, 2021 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Running Clubs, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
Runners and race directors alike are looking forward to filling the event void left by the devasting impact of COVID-19. Virtual 2020 races, personal training experiences and plenty of time alone on streets and trails, have given us all the opportunity for planning...
Nov 10, 2020 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
What makes a race medal truly custom and sets it apart from all the others? It isn’t whether you choose a bottle opener design, or a spinning center that make your medal unique in the field. It’s the story that your medal design tells a viewer. It’s the...
Aug 31, 2020 | All Posts, Marketing Running Events, Race Director Tips & Tools, Race Medals, Running Event Community, Running Event Trends, Virtual Races
Who, among us in the running event world, could have possibly seen this coming? Surely not the runners who await excitedly each year for signup day. Nor the vendors who rely on group participation events to survive. Not the die-hard, annual age-group winners who are...